Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Can you talk about God here?

Too often we have thought that we must get our friends into a certain location in order to discuss spiritual things. There are just some places where God is more "present" so to insure that we have a significant conversation with friends, we must move them from where they are to where we are. What does our friend think when we invite them to come with us to hear some spiritual thoughts? Maybe they are thankful we are thinking about them. Maybe they wish we would just talk with them in their apartment or the coffee shop.

Almost all of the conversations Jesus had with those who were not following him were outside of spiritual zones. Or were they? We have labeled buildings where churches or campus groups meet as spiritual zones but we must not divide the sacred from the secular. Think about the conversations Jesus had...at wells, on roads, by lakes, on hillsides, or in homes. These were not insignificant conversations but helped people understand life. This is where everyone lives life and where the gospel makes sense.

In Acts 5:42 and 17:17 followers of Jesus talked to others about Jesus. We know this but still have difficulty living this way.The spiritual zone is simply where the Holy Spirit is at work and this is not limited except by our perception of where and how God works in our world.

FOCUS THOUGHT If we are following Jesus we will talk with people where he is working and that can be anywhere.


Carrie said...

Great thoughts...so simple, yet we so many times miss the boat on this.

David said...

Great point Dave. Jesus taught in the synagogues (John 18:20) but talked to folks everywhere (I love the Samaritan women at the well story). I think my desire at times to bring (drag?) folks to church instead of talking with (not to) them stems from two things: 1) I want to teach, not talk (let alone listen) and 2) I want someone else to do it for me.

Unknown said...

It has been my experience that when I am dwelling on an issue, I speak about it. Wheather the issue is Jesus, sports, ect.... Those rare moments, when I believe God is using me, happen when I honestly speak about my thoughts without hesitation and without plan. Some of the most touching conversations in my life have happened randomly with people who were simply being honest about their thoughts at that given time. Sometimes people forget to Listen when they have a plan and a place for a conversation.

Ken Yinger said...

I liked your blog, Dave. I think too many people set up "Jesus-free" zones in their lives. I read a book recently called "Just Walk Across the Room". It was an excellent book to help remind us to be sensitive to the Spirit and to move into the Zone of the Unknown no matter where we are.

Coffee With Dave said...

chileice Thanks for your thoughts. I will look up this book. I hope my comments are helpful in your journey following Jesus.