Monday, April 12, 2010

What was that sound?

It seems some people are very good at hearing-all kinds of things like bird sounds, people talking and even God. I am definitely getting older and my hearing is not as good as it was a few years ago. I probably do play some music too loud but it really sounds better loud. But I should be able to hear God better-right? I mean I have had almost 50 years working on it.

So, when I read Acts 8:26-30 I see a guy who is hanging out with some others and an angel shows up to tell him something. He obviously hears the angel because he starts out on the trip. Then later the Spirit tells him  to go see a guy whose car is on the side of the road. Hearing again, he does just that and has one of the most significant conversations anyone could have. The guy he talks with becomes a follower of Jesus and later starts the Coptic Church in Egypt and Ethiopia. Did you ever wake up thinking you would talk with someone who would end up doing this?

What the spank does an angel sound like and why did one talk with Philip? Then why did the Spirit take over later. Frannie and I are waiting to hear from God about a couple of things. We have been waiting from our perspective, for a while. I am not getting younger as you probably know and want to get on with it. Silence! That is what I am hearing these days. I am thinking Philip got a good deal.

I am intrigued by something Larry Crabb said. "How deep into darkness do Christians have to go to find light?" I love that and I hate it. I am not sure what it means but I think I am learning. Do I want answers or relationship with Jesus? God is all about relationship and answers to some of my questions are secondary to the larger picture. I have to remember my part in the movie is about "one" word. Darkness is indeed one of the best teachers. Taking the class over is a rip though. Isaiah 50:10-11 are huge as I think about my role in listening and planning.

Think about this

1. What can you learn in darkness that you can't learn in the light?
2. Do yo want Jesus more than you want answers to your questions? How do you know?

Saturday, April 3, 2010 can reach it

I can remember several times being on a ladder trying to reach something that seemed out of reach. In one final effort I would stretch beyond what I thought was possible and grabbed the light bulb or smoke detector. But, I had to really stretch. Now I doubt Jesus would be standing on the floor asking "how are you going to reach the bulb?" Not really. His questions challenge something much deeper and significant within us. We think we are at the top of the class in faith, understanding, ability...and then Jesus asks a question like he did with Philip in John 6:5-6 and we soon realize how long the trip is to get where God wants us to go or who he wants us to be.

Simple question-how are we going to feed several thousand people who are listening to Jesus? Maybe simple, but at the bottom of the well. Jesus already knew the answer but Phillip didn't have a clue. Phillip of course responded like we would "It would take almost a year's salary for everyone to get t bite." It makes sense as long as faith is not in the equation.

When was the last time Jesus posed a question to you like this? A man once told me "Don't let your vision be limited by men of limited vision." This is a Jesus thought but it is easy to respond to Jesus' questions from a perspective that does not involve faith and has no sense of adventure to it.

Are you uncomfortable  with questions Jesus wants to ask or is asking you? He wants to stretch you and me in such a way that faith is the only answer that will give us a grade of 100 on the exam. But maybe it is easier to get a "B" on the test. The problem is there are only 2 grades: Pass or Fail. And there is only one way to pass. Maybe you won't even take the class.

Think about this

1. When was the last time you decided to go all out and trust God for something you either thought was crazy or just plain not possible? 

2. Get with someone and talk about what God is testing in you or them and your willingness to move from where you are to wherever God has in mind.