Friday, January 25, 2008

Who has the map?

The popular tv show "Lost" is a picture of many lives or strategies for making life work. It is similar to the confusion, frustration or increasing irrelevance followers of Jesus seem to have in our culture. How do we connect the truth about Jesus with a skeptical world? Who has the map?

We can continue to do what we are doing which is easier but we need to stop and do some thinking. Most people do not show up to religious meetings that do not meet on their turf. Maybe it is because what they are hearing does not make sense to them or does not connect with what they do and experience in the daily grind of life.

If followers of Jesus are the "salt of the earth" why is there no distinct influence where we work, play or in our neighborhoods? Most people do not like change and that is what it will take for a follower of Jesus to make a difference where they live.
Because we gravitate towards comfort or security we do not venture out to the edge of the cliff much less consider jumping. The view may be amazing or thought provoking but the TV seems a safer place.

Lets take a walk on some paths or in some parts of town we have never been before. We might meet Jesus there as we meet people whose perspective is different than ours...or we can just change the channel.


A.L. Reed said...

As far as I can see you're officially entered a new club....You're a blogger!

Say I use blogger for my blog as well, if you need any help with using it let me know and I can help you through it. I look forward to keeping up on your blog!

Unknown said...

Good word, Dave! Way to enter the 21st century with a bang!

Seriously, thanks for the challenging thought. I need more of this kind of thing in my life. I'm glad you took the time write out your thoughts.


Campus Ventures at BHSU said...

Hey Dave!

Congrats on entering the world of blogging! Thanks for your words of wisdom. I look forward to reading and being challenged by more.


David said...

I likey! ... especially because you have something to say. Too many bloggers just want to hear their own voice, so to speak. Stay bold, like the coffee you drink.

David M. in Laramie

Anonymous said...

I heard medders is drinking decaf ever sense he moved to Colorado.