Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sit Down!

It begins at an early age. We probably can't tell when but we agree that early in our life we want people to notice us. It can be for who we think we are, what we have done or whatever. We want people to notice us.

And in our relationships with Christians-nothing changes. It becomes "here is what I think", or hearing people say "you are really a great teacher" or, well you get the picture. Would the real important person please stand up? And of course that would be you or me.
Old JB had the right perspective. People were checking him out and it was not because of his diet and wardrobe. Locusts and some kind of wrap around outfit that was not purchased at Abercrombie and Fitch might catch your attention but it was what he was talking about that drew people to him.

But John was focused on the right thing. He had already pointed out that Jesus was the one who deals with sin in a way he could not. Look at John 1:29. And now someone pointed out that everyone was going to Jesus to be baptized and they were leaving John. John is not thinking "man, I've got to come up with something big to keep these people focused on me." He knows it is time for him to SIT DOWN.

He is comfortable with the purpose, gifts, personality and abilities God has given him. He says it is all given from heaven to us. He didn't earn it, have to jump through certain hoops or do anything except be content with who he is. This does not stifle our developing our gifts or abilities but it puts the focus on what is right. It also diminishes stress and anxiety in us when we chase after anything that causes people to look at us rather than God.

Don't you ever get tired of standing after a while? Try sitting down several times this week.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Yes, I totally agree, although there are also times where we must "Stand Up!" and do not be shy about teaching others. This, of course, has to be in the correct context, furthering His kingdom and not our own, as per your post.