Wednesday, January 27, 2010


How do you decide where you are going to live or where you will spend time? Are there certain roads you drive on and others "no way?" Are there certain parts of town you are not about to walk around in? We do have to be smart but in our justification for having comfort and security at any cost, we will not venture into certain areas that jeopardize either of these. And perhaps we are missing being in a place where God can seriously use us.
Jesus had to go into a dangerous or at least a questionable zone because he knew his father was working there. Check out John 4:4 and 9-10. Samaritans and Jews never high fived each other because they intentionally avoided any contact at all. they hated each other at the worst and distrusted each other at the best.

So, you can imagine what the disciples were thinking as Jesus started walking down this road. Jesus not only was walking through this rough part of the country but spoke to a Samaritan woman and asked her a question. She gave the typical reply "what are you doing here and why are you talking with me?" (my paraphrase) Jesus bypassed this because he knew that God wanted everyone to experience the gift of life that was only to be located in a relationship with him.

The results of this conversation are significant. (Read the rest of the chapter) Don't be trapped by the dual demons of comfort and security. Yes, these can actually be dangerous for your life and eliminate the adventure Jesus promises if we exclusively follow him.
Take a different route to somewhere this week. Go somewhere you have never been before that you consistently avoid. Maybe you can ask someone for some water or coffee.

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