Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm not going to the doctor for an examination!

After a break to work on a document that I am still working on, I have decided to restart the blog. It will be shorter.
Haggai 1:7 is my first thought for the new start. "Give careful attention to your ways..." What does this mean, how do you begin to do it and what might result from doing this? The NLT says it this way "Look at what's happening to you."
First Stop "Careful" What does careful mean to you? Some of my thoughts-thinking through, taking my time and not rushing, not overlooking areas of my life I want to avoid, asking God to give me insight into how I am living my life. this is not a glance but rather is deliberate focusing on my life. It requires no distractions and perhaps a day away with God.

Second Stop "Thought" Is it difficult for you to think? I find it easy to rush through this and miss the heart of what God is wanting to say to me. Part of what this means is to think about what God's purpose is for me and think about how my life looks compared to it.

"Your" This word makes it personal. I do not need to think about how someone else is missing it but rather only look at my life. There is enough here that I will not have time to critique someone else. Look also at Romans 14:12,13

"Ways" How am I doing with Frannie, friends God has brought into my life, people in the small group I meet with, my disciplines, temptations, busyness, the church aspect of my life, following Jesus, being distinct from the culture I live in. I am sure you get it. Take some time to let God show you the areas of your life he wants you to "carefully" examine. I wonder how our summer would look if we did this now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good word here, Dave. I was particularly "grabbed" by the thought that as we examine our ways we have enough to think about here not to get wrapped up in other people's issues.
- Jack