Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's getting late and I am tired

In Luke 9:10-11 Jesus decides to take his men somewhere, they are glad to get some time with him about the last trip they took. But as what usually happens, people get word that Jesus is going somewhere and they follow him. In their minds, it doesn't matter where he is going they just want to be with him. But I bet the disciples wanted Jesus by himself and this was not turning out like they wanted.

Jesus graciously welcomed the people and spoke to them about the kingdom of God (critical issues of life), and as they revealed needs, he met them. It is likely that Jesus was tired from being involved with people before this trip but he loved people so his life invited them to come along. He did not talk about the weather or who was going to be in the world series but talked about the issues that really mattered. He met their needs-in this case it was to heal people with various illnesses.

What about you and I? Are we letting Jesus love people through us? Is our life inviting? People can tell if we want them to hang out with us. When you and I really love people, no one is ever interrupting. We must also not be so busy with life that we do not have time to allow them into our life. Then, what do we talk about? It is amazing how long a conversation can go without any substance. It is like a trip where the kids ask "are we there yet?" Sometimes the conversation goes on and on and we never get to the critical issues that matter. Too much is at stake to only observe the scenery on our trip with others. What sometimes happens then is that people begin to let us in on their life and reveal a need. It is easy to brush it off and tell them "that is interesting" or "I will pray with you about it."

FOCUS What can you do this week to let someone into your life?
Make it a point to listen and then ask a question that gets to issues that matter.
Meeting practical needs is as spiritual as it gets-Matthew 10:42.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am really being convicted about this one. Thanks....I think!