Thursday, October 2, 2008

Going through the closet

Occasionally we decide it is time to go through our closet and get rid of some of the clothes we have not worn for a while and give them to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. This makes us feel generous because we are sharing some of our stuff with someone else. There are a lot of clothes left in our closet however after we have made such a generous donation. And, we usually get rid of those clothes we really do not like or believe we are going to wear much anymore.

Sort of reminds me of how we give out some of the good news about Jesus but keep back most of it. We feel good because we used the word "church" in our conversation with someone who does not follow Jesus but they are left wondering what the spank we mentioned that for.

In Luke 8:16-18 Jesus talks about this kind of generosity with an interesting application. We have information about how to live and what Monday-Sunday is all about. People we know need to learn how to see their way through this difficult financial time or whatever deal satan is throwing at them. The Message translation is great here-"We're not keeping secrets, we're telling them. We're not hiding things;we're bringing everything out into the open."

Could it be that we are not convinced about the gospel really relating to every part of life and that is why we keep back the really good stuff about how Jesus can change a life? What is it that keeps you from being generous with the truth?

When we are really generous, God opens up things for us we could never imagine. If we are stingy with the truth, we are going to sink deep into poverty-poverty of the soul where we can't put our finger on why we are feeling so down.

Focus Give away something from your closet you really like...and share something with someone who does not know Jesus that you have thought about but for whatever reason you have never brought up. Your relationship with them will go to another level.


Dan H said...

Well said brother! I so desire to have the boldness of Peter and John in Acts 4 when they were told to shut up about Jesus. They responded..."we can't stop talking about what we have seen and heard!"
They didn't tell folks about the church, they testified to the risen Lord.

You are a blessing my friend!

Dan H.

Coffee With Dave said...

Thanks Dan for your comment. I have always enjoyed our times together.