Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Should I stop and pick this guy up?

Have you ever seen someone hitchhiking and wondered if you should stop and give them a ride? I know you have to be smart in our day but most of the time we just keep going and the guy stands there probably cussing as another car passes by. I was recently challenged in thinking about people with little or no Christian background who want a ride...or who might just be interested in a conversation about things that really matter.

In Luke 18:35-43 Jesus picks up a hitchhiker. He is blind...at first. He is yelling...for a while. He is told to shut up by people with Jesus...he ignored them and shouted louder. Jesus stopped, asked a question and gave the man something that changed him forever. Who knows what the disciples were thinking now.

Jesus could have just passed by...after all he did not heal everyone and this was an important trip.

There are many out there who might like to peek into what goes on in our Christian groups but it seems outrageously strange to them. The language is so different and they will not risk being embarrassed or accepted as they are. So they stand by the road waiting for the next person who just might stop and meet them where they are, listen to their story, treat them and their questions with respect, give them time to think, and maybe share a meal together.

In our haste to make disciples we often press for a quick decision about committing their life to Jesus for the rest of their life. But we need to provide time and space for people to understand what we are asking them to commit to. We need to allow people to check out who Jesus is and what he is about with no expectations. We need to pick them up and take them with us so they can see what being a Christian is all about. Sometimes people are ready...the blind guy was ready. But most of the time people need to be welcomed to travel with us as we learn what it means to follow Jesus.

There are many hitchhikers out there looking for solutions to life's issues. Stop and pick one up.

Focus Thought: Be alert to people God is bringing into your life, love on them and have many conversations with them...especially about following Jesus.


rpchesmore said...

Here is a thought. Have you ever considered compiling these entries and publishing a book entitled, Coffee with Dave? I believe your writings make people think. Who knows you could be the next Dr Phil.

Carrie said...

That is a great idea! I definitely think this could be put into book form...

Coffee With Dave said...

All of my thoughts are on this blog and I am not sure how to print them off. I am not sure about a book but I might combine them if there was a way to print them off. Any ideas?