Monday, March 15, 2010

Who are these guys?

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were being chased by a group of men who were persistent in their pursuit and almost caught up with Butch and Sundance until they jumped into a river and floated away. More than one time they asked "who are these guys?" as they were being chased.

Check out Acts 2:42-47. I have asked the same question about these followers of Jesus who lived a long time ago. Who are these people? Where are they or have they disappeared today? Have you really ever seen any believers live like this? I mean, really in our culture, is this possible or are we trapped into wondering what this is really about? Was this for them but not for us?

As I thought about this, God made it clear that this is a mark of a follower of Jesus who takes what Jesus said seriously. There are no multiple choice options for followers of Jesus then or now. So, how do I do this? I believe it is a lifestyle that basically says to other believers willing to live this way that what I have is theirs if they need it. We do this with our immediate families so why not with followers of Jesus who want to be on the same page? God made it clear to me that everything in our house is his and another believer if they need it.

I am determined to live this way with others who want to do the same. I have found two men who said they would live this way with me.

Is this reasonable? It is right if I am going to follow Jesus. these kinds of lifestyle commitments are the kinds that separate belief from conviction. Talk is easy and must be backed up with real change or it is pointless and is an insult to these early followers of Jesus.

Think about this:

1. Talk with another believer and see what they think about living this way today? If you are willing to do it, ask them if they are. But you have to mean it.

2. List every reason why this is not possible today for you and then what that means about any of the other statements of Jesus about following him.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

man...way too challenging for a monday morning...definitely good stuff though...we definitely don't live like the church in Acts as a general rule that's for sure...