Monday, October 19, 2009

What's going on here?

Luke 23:34   Familiar? Yes, but are we thinking far enough? This statement was definitely focused on the event of the cross and how those not following Jesus were viewing the event. They did not know what they were doing in killing Jesus. Instead of anger on Jesus' part, he asked the Father to forgive them. He asked the Father to not hold it against them.
But I believe there are more things God wants us to understand as we and others try to "figure out life and faith." Those who do not know Jesus and many who do are doing their best to understand what Monday, Tuesday and the other 5 days are about. What the spank are they supposed to be doing to make sense out of the life they are living? They may or may not know there is more than the 20-30 minute commute to work, work, watch a little TV, tell the kids goodnight and crash into bed.
Those perhaps without a spouse or kids desperately search for some fulfillment on Facebook, Twitter or any other .com sight that might offer some relief from the almost pointless track that they run on daily.
In our attemps to find meaning, we consistently miss why Jesus lived, died and left to be with the Father. And he says again "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing."
How can you minimize these words of Jesus in your life? I mean how can you live so you don't have to hear it so often? He is always there to forgive but let's give him something else to say when he thinks about us.


Unknown said...

Man, You are describing the great American Christian Deception-complacency, when do we ask "Is this all there is?" Can God rattle that cage?

Here is something that spoke to me yesterday by Bill Ewing in Rest Assured

"Inspiration of scripture is the out breathing of God. Just as Jesus the Word became flesh (John1:14) stepped into a room of terrified disciples and breathed on them saying "Peace...John 20:19.. So the Holy Spirit (Pnuema the same word associated with breathing) blows His life into our moments of confusion, fear and uncertainty...

but I ask, not complacency? Rattle on Lord Jesus, bring it on!

Coffee With Dave said...

Thanks Andrea for the comment. I agree with your thoughts. Keep pressing on.