Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Luke 22:13 Jesus had given the guys something to think about as they thought about what he just told them. They were to go and make preparations for the Passover meal. They were to go to a man and talk with him about the guest room for Jesus and them. We do not know if they were surprised at what they found but their faith in Jesus had to have been strengthened by the event. and we know that they did exactly what Jesus told them to do.

Why does having to know the why's and how's of what God is speaking to you and I about become such an important aspect to our doing what he is speaking to us about? When do we experience the joy? While we act on what Jesus has spoken to us about or when we see the result of our believing him? There is as much joy in the anticipation of what God is going to do as there is in the completion of it. And I believe God is more pleased in our acting on what we do not really understand than in our trying to talk him out of what he has just spoken to us about.

Sometimes I know we do not really believe God talks to us like this. Isn't this just reserved for pastors or those in the Bible? The reason we think like this is partly due to our not having an adventurous relationship with Jesus each day. When we take Jesus at his word, as someone said "life becomes a romance."

Maybe we are anticipating being disappointed in God's not coming through with what we believe he is speaking to us about. Whatever the reason, most people never experience the joy of responding to what God is saying.

When was the last time you were filled with joy at knowing God had spoken to you about something and you trusted him with no reservations?

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